1867 Elizabeth Street looking south from GPO


An early photo of Elizabeth Street and Melbourne around 1867, looking south from Bourke Street. The photo was taken from the top of the GPO (General Post Office) building which had only just been completed in 1867 on the north-east corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Streets.

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Photograph attributed to Charles Nettleton.

Notes from the State Library tell us that this image is a "Photograph from raised elevation of shops, hotels, residential and industrial buildings, with horse drawn vehicles travelling down Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, ca. 1867. Building l.c. reads: "Newing's Paperhangings, Window Glass, Oil Color Warehouse."

This is a digitally retouched reproduction of the original held by the State Library of Victoria. All prints are reproduced without the HOTPRESS watermarks.

Our team of conservators have worked on a high resolution digital image in order to remove blemishes and artifacts such as stains, mould, scratches and damage caused by the handling of the original. We strive to provide authentic representations of the original work that are suitable for enlargements that retain the tones and character of the original.

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