A commemorative poster from 1920, recording details about the Australian Imperial Force units during the Great War (World War I), and some information and statistics about the theatres that those units were engaged in. We have included some enlarged images of the original to show how detailed the poster is. This is our most popular poster during 2020, outselling all others in that year.
All text © HotPress
The notes from the State Library tell us that this image is a "Record of the Australian Imperial Force in the Great War 4th Aug. 1914 - 28th June 1919".
This is a digitally retouched reproduction of the original held by the State Library of Victoria. All prints are reproduced without the HOTPRESS watermarks.
Our team of conservators have worked on a high resolution digital image in order to remove blemishes and artifacts such as stains, mould, scratches and damage caused by the handling of the original. We strive to provide authentic representations of the original work that are suitable for enlargements that retain the tones and character of the original.