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1877c Number 1 Collins Street, Melbourne


A significant photograph of Number 1 Collins Street, Melbourne, one of Australia's most prestigious locations, on the south-west corner with Spring Street. This building was completed in 1877 and captured on film by Charles Nettleton in the late 1870s. This building still exists, but sadly all of the other buildings are gone.

The building, known as Campbell House, was built in 1877 for William Campbell, a wealthy pastoralist. Designed by Leonard Terry who also designed the Melbourne Club building in 1858.

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Photograph by Charles Nettleton.

This is a digitally retouched reproduction of the original held by the State Library of Victoria.

Our team of conservators have worked on a high resolution digital image in order to remove blemishes and artifacts such as stains, mould, scratches and damage caused by the handling of the original. We strive to provide authentic representations of the original work that are suitable for enlargements that retain the tones and character of the original.

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